Contact AMFM

Feel free to contact P.J. Thomas with any questions you may have regarding AMFM, Annapolis Musicians Fund for Musicians, Inc.
If you are an Annapolis musician or a musician who has a lot of gigs in Annapolis, and you are in need of financial relief due to sickness, injury, or other circumstances, maybe AMFM can help. To find out more about AMFM and see if you, as an artist qualify for financial assistance, please go to our benefits page to review our applications to see what you need to do to apply.
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How Can I Help AMFM?

You, the artist, are the heart and soul of AMFM, Inc. which was created to serve you.
You support us by donating your time & talent to our AMFM, Inc. sponsored performances, by encouraging your fans, friends and families to buy tickets and attend AMFM, Inc. shows!
You can help by sharing this information regarding benefits for musicians to other Annapolis Musicians. We need to spread the word about what AMFM, Inc. does and what we do to help the Annapolis music community.