Annapolis Musicians Fund for Musicians, Inc., is a nonprofit organization created to provide temporary financial relief to professional Annapolis area musicians who cannot work due to sickness, injury, or other circumstance leaving them unable to perform. This fund will act as an emergency relief fund for lost income.

The hardworking musicians of Annapolis are continuously giving back to their community by helping to support and promote the local businesses and business owners, and by participating in the many benefits, events and charities held each year in the Annapolis area.

The goal of AMFM, Inc. is to reciprocate that support by making sure that the musicians who work and perform in the Annapolis area can continue to maintain a quality of life during unexpected hardship that will keep them financially viable and the music in the city of Annapolis thriving.

The Annapolis Musicians Fund for Musicians, AMFM, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization, incorporated in the State of Maryland.

Financial assistance is limited to musicians living or working in the Annapolis area as defined by AMFM. Grants are provided without regard to race, creed, color or religion.

The following information pertains to Lost Gig Fund and Catastrophic Fund Applications.

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