(Annapolis, MD—June 10, 2024)

Annapolis Musicians Fund for Musicians, Inc. (AMFM), a nonprofit organization that supports professional Annapolis-area musicians and music programs for youth, has awarded its annual Tim King Music Performance Scholarship of $5,000 to Rockbridge Academy senior Rachel Lee. This fall, Ms. Lee will enroll as a freshman at the University of Maryland (UMD) College Park, where she will be pursuing a Bachelor of Music.
Ms. Lee’s instrumental focus is on the violin; however, she is also an accomplished pianist, guitarist and percussionist. She has played with The Accord Symphony Orchestra, The Chesapeake Youth Symphony and with the Irish band Lunasa. She was described by her instructors as a “team leader” and an “inspiration to younger musicians”. In her application essay, Ms. Lee said that her greatest joy is serving others and performing in front of a live audience. One of the performance videos she submitted with her application featured an electrifying performance of Lalo’s “Symphony Española” from her senior recital. She has performed at many local festivals, including the Asian American Festival and the Anne Arundel County Public Schools Solo & Ensemble Festival.
This is the scholarship’s seventh year. Scholarship candidates were evaluated on several criteria—including their participation in high school music performance groups, volunteer community-based music opportunities, private lessons, a videoed performance piece, and an essay—to assess their commitment to pursuing music performance academically. “Tim King was an important member of the Annapolis music scene and we continue to honor his legacy by awarding this scholarship to a deserving and talented young musician. We wish Rachel the very best on her musical journey and look forward to following her career,” says AMFM President P.J. Thomas.
AMFM was created to provide emergency financial relief to professional Annapolis musicians who cannot work due to sickness, injury, or any other circumstance leaving them unable to perform. It also fosters the next generation of musicians in the Annapolis area through its scholarship and award programs. AMFM raises funds through donations and music events that showcase local professional talent.